
Love programming and turning ideas into reality. Try different ways to solve the problem when facing challenges.

About Me

Frontend Developer / Backend Developer

Hi! I'm Ryu. I have been working as a developer for 2 years. I am proficient in using popular React, Next and Vue frameworks and have developed a complete website using Node and Golang.



Oct 2021 - Oct 2022RealTime Ltd.

Frontend Developer

I specialize in frontend web development, heavily incorporating Functional Programming principles. I've introduced TypeScript and Unit Tests to ensure code stability and scalability. Despite being the sole frontend developer, I can independently handle most project tasks.

In the past few months, I completed two projects using Next.js and Web3 blockchain technology, along with two backend systems using Vue 3. Additionally, I developed a real-time chatbot with React and WebSocket technology.

Oct 2022 - PresentRealTime Ltd.

Frontend & Backend Developer

To align with the company’s development direction, I gradually transitioned to the backend field. My primary responsibilities include assisting with online projects to develop new APIs, fixing bugs, and self-learning Docker, AWS ECR and Nginx for deploying test sites. Additionally, I frequently collaborate with the MIS team to research more efficient project deployment methods.

Despite this focus, I remain actively engaged in maintaining and developing front-end pages, and assisting my colleagues in resolving front-end rendering issues.


Side Projects

I frequently dedicate my spare time to researching new technologies or engaging in practical exercises.
For additional information, you can visitMy Github.

Mask Map

When people build mask maps in Taiwan. They usually use OSM and Leaflet. But I want to try the originalGoogle Maps APIbecause its UI and API are beautiful and interesting.

During this time, I've learned a lot about how to useGoogle Maps API.



Build withVue CLI 4 & Vuex & Tailwind CSS, and useFirebase Databaseto store users & songs data.

On this side, project practice, I was more familiar with how to develop with Vue 3. Also, it was an excellent time to try to establish with Firebase.



I developed this website at my previous work, working in a hardware store then. And learnVue & Vuexin my free time.

That's why I can develop this website from the point of view of the users. It has a complete CMS to check all products and orders on PC and mobile devices.


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